Friday, 30 May 2014

ParticleEditor updates

Hey! Today I'm sharing the results of the last two weeks of work on the ParticleEditor with you. I've had loads of time for additions and improvements -- I'm just gonna go over the most notable ones briefly:

  • Live update of particles: No more resetting the whole particle system to see the effect that little parameter you changed actually has!
  • Control of the update speed: Something looks weird but you can't spot what it is? Just slow the whole thing down. Works everytime.
  • Easing functions for fading values: We don't have tweakable curve controls just yet, but these work like a charm in the meantime. 
  • Helper graphs: A really nice addition so you can preview how fades are going to work. Together with easing functions, a slider and the live update, this is fun just to play around with.
Of course, a little video works way better than words for showing these off, so here it is:


  1. Hey Luis this looks absolutely amazing,one thing- have you fixed that bug when you click on the X button( to close) and it won't to close command?That problem appears on previous Amnesia editors.

    -Alem S.

  2. Great job. I really like the idea to introduce the ability to slow the effect down.
    P.S. I second what was said above about the [x] button - I know what you said before, that it's not really a priority, but, especially with editors other then the level editor, people will likely want to close and reopen them all the time. It of course depends on the way frictional games artists / level designers work - so maybe you should ask them. But the fact that the [x] button doesn't work is definitely annoying.


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